By Laws & Policies

The following email is available for feedback, questions, and clarification.  This email is monitored by Human Resources and Quality Assurance. All feedback is brought to the Policy Committee for review. Once reviewed the sender will receive a follow-up from a member of the committee.

Summary of Recommended changes to By-Laws March 2020

Summary of Recommended changes to By-Laws September 2022

Summary of Recommended changes to By-Laws June 2023

By - Laws 2023


Abuse Prevention

Community Living, Grimsby, Lincoln and West Lincoln is committed to providing a safe, nurturing and respectful environment that promotes the rights of persons in all services.

Abuse Prevention, Identification & Reporting Policy


Everyone deserves to be safe.

 If you know of an adult with a developmental disability who might be abused  or neglected, find out how you can help at

1-800-575-2222  TTY: 416-916-0549 or Toll Free: 1-844-309-1025



Community Living – Grimsby, Lincoln & West Lincoln (CL-GLWL) recognizes the importance of the health, safety and overall well-being of its employees, volunteers, and people supported and is committed to taking steps to reduce risk for injury and concussions.

Concussion Policy


Complaint and Feedback

To provide a mechanism and guidelines to assist individuals, family members and the broader general public to lodge a formal complaint or provide feedback.

 Complaint and Feedback Policy

 Complaint and Feedback Policy Plain Language



Community Living Grimsby, Lincoln and West Lincoln is committed to ensuring consent is obtained for any collection, use, or disclosure of personal information regarding an individual supported by the agency.

Consent Policy


Protecting Individuals Rights

To safeguard and support the rights of individuals participating in services from Community Living Grimsby, Lincoln and West Lincoln.

Rights and Responsibilities Policy


Workplace Harrassment, Discrimination and Violence

Community Living Grimsby, Lincoln and West Lincoln (“CLGLWL”) is committed to providing a safe, healthy and supportive working environment in which all individuals are treated with dignity and respect, and without discrimination, consistent with the Ontario Human Rights Code (the “Code”) and the Occupational Health and Safety Act (“OHSA”).

Workplace Harrassment, Discrimination and Violence Policy


Privacy Policy/Privacy Officer

Privacy and Confidentiality

Privacy Officer - People & Culture Manager